Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spiritual Well-Being

spiritually, i'm doing really well right now. i had a little lull in january where i felt close to God but at the same time, distant. a good quote i heard is "when God feels far away, guess who moved?" so, this is a constant reminder that i need to stay in the Word everyday and not get "caught up" in my secular life and lose sight of my true life. right now, God is teaching me to be patient and not doubt His plan for me. faith is like a muscle, and if you don't use it, it will get weak. with this is mind, i'm trying to live in the rest of God through every moment of my life and not allow myself to worry and become anxious about the things of this world. i gave up doubting for lent, and so far, so good. i have near lapses, but quickly get back on track by reciting some good verses to myself.
a big part of my good spiritual mood would have to be AIA (athletes in action). we meet once a week on sundays at the leader's house. paul scheele is the leader, and he is doing a phenomenal job. i feel convicted and take much away from every meeting. right now, we are looking at the song of soloman and really digging into what God has to say about relationships, sex, and marriage. i've never done a study on these topics, so it has been very eye-opening. mmhmmmm!!

1 comment:

  1. faith is like a muscle, and if you don't use it, it will get weak

    YES!! love the way you put this.
