Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Mirror

This is a poem I wrote today when thinking about the impact or lack thereof that I am making (inspired by "Blue Like Jazz" by Donald Miller):

I am so selfish. It makes me sick.
I claim to follow Jesus, yet i can't find the proof.
I say, "He is my God", but I don't even trust Him with my sleep.
And what's so important about my sleep anyway?
Every night I close my eyes, so i can rejuvenate, restore, and renew.
For what, though?
I feel my life has no passion--or no significant passion for that matter.
Every morning I pray to make a difference in the world.
But how can I see others if I spend all day in the mirror.
I get sad about my life, yet I don't make changes.
I'm starting to think I don't really care about the world or what Jesus preached.
I say, "He is my foundation", yet I don't think Jesus supported overspending and gluttony.
I sigh as I look at all that I haven't done.
But I'm not sad for long because something always catches my eye in the mirror.